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GLA:D® Canada Program
Osteoarthritis in your Hip or Knee? If you experience pain and limitation due to osteoarthritis (OA) in your hip and/or knee, this new program may be right for you! The goal is to reduce symptoms so that you can do the things you want to do The program has been shown to improve quality of …
Acupuncture is a therapeutic method used to encourage natural healing, reduce or relieve pain, and improve function of the affected area. It involves the insertion of very fine needles through the skin and tissues at specific points on the body. Acupuncture stimulates body to produce its own pain relieving chemicals called ‘endorphins’. It also improves …
Work Conditioning
A structured, goal-oriented, individualized treatment program is designed to maximize the individual’s ability to return to work utilizing real or simulated work activities in conjunction with conditioning tasks.
Injury Specific Exercise Program
A customized exercise program is developed by the Physiotherapist in conjunction with the certified Athletic Therapist for your specific injury, to stretch tight areas and strengthen weakened ones. The program is progressed until full function is achieved. The exercise program may incorporate a wide variety of equipment, such as the treadmill, stationary bicycle, therapeutic ball, …
Manual Therapy
Manual Therapy is a comprehensive system of diagnosis and treatment involving mobilization (rhythmic passive movement), manipulation (a passive thrust), and education to restore optimal motion, function and / or reduce pain.
Physiotherapy modalities can be described as the application of mechanical / thermal and / or electrical forces to an area of the body to enhance function and / or healing. Our modalities include: Therapeutic ultrasound Therapeutic laser Transcutaneous electric nerve stimulation (TENS) Interferential current (IFC) Electric muscle stimulation (EMS) Heat Ice Wax BTE Primus RS …
Education is a key component to Physiotherapy. It is provided individually by the Physiotherapist and Athletic Therapist and is enhanced with the use of other learning tools. Education is provided on the nature of the injury, the healing process, pain management, hurt vs. harm, and prevention of re-injury, to facilitate an early and safe return …